Current Students: Apply for a Living/Learning Community

The Residential Life Housing Application period for Current Students is: January 1 to February 14, 2025.

Current students (including UConn Campus Change students) can apply to live in a Living/Learning Community (LLC) for their sophomore year whether they lived in one for their first year or not. Spaces are limited as only 1/3 of the LC is for sophomores who return or join to serve as role models for incoming students while engaging in classes and activities throughout the year.

How to apply:

Step 1 Submit your UConn Housing Application, and select a LLC.
Step 2 Submit the Learning Community Supplemental Application. The link will be sent to your UConn email within a week of submitting the Housing Application. The LC Supplemental Application deadline will be included in that email.
Note: The LC Floor Mentor Application is embedded in the LC Supplemental Application for those interested in applying to serve in this leadership role.
Step 3 Participate in an interview if the LLC you applied for requires this. Watch your email for an interview invitation.
Step 4 You’ll learn whether you’ve been accepted to a LLC via your UConn email before Housing Selection begins.
If accepted, you must submit the Learning Community Housing Agreement by the deadline in your notification email, or you forfeit the space.
Note: Submitting this agreement means that you have committed to living in the LLC for one year. You will not be able to participate in Residential Life Room Change processes. You’ll be pre-enrolled in the required LC course(s) in both the Fall & Spring semesters.


Students who accept a space in a Learning Community will not participate in general housing selection.

You’ll receive information from Residential Life to your UConn email
with further details about Roommate Matching & your Housing Selection date/time (to pick a room).

You’ll be notified (via UConn email) of your LLC application status in March.

To Apply to live in a Living/Learning Community for the Spring Semester:

Typically, students apply to live in a LLC for the academic year (Fall to Spring). However, there may be some openings in the Spring semester due to students studying abroad, or other reasons.

  • Email your Full Name, your UConn ID# (7-digits), and the LLC you are applying to live in. Your name will be kept on a waiting list, and if a bed becomes available, you may be contacted by email to see if you are still interested in moving there.