Learning Community Council Signup Form 2025-2026
Signup Deadline: To be a LCC member for 2025-2026, sign up by Friday, April 4, 2025. After you complete this form, someone will be in touch about a welcome meeting we will host at the end of this year.
About the LCC: The Learning Community Council (LCC) is comprised of undergraduate students committed to giving back to the Learning Community Program through deeper involvement with promotion and recruitment, events, and project management. Students on the LCC serve on projects and event planning teams which focus on key aspects of the Learning Community experience and require students with a myriad of interests and skill sets. This opportunity provides students with a larger network of inter-Learning Community friends, opportunities for innovative thinking, leadership growth and development, insight into the Learning Community experience and its operations, and more! Through training, meetings, and leadership opportunities, LCC members will develop professional skills such as public speaking and networking.
Any undergraduate student who has experience participating in a Learning Community may join, and we aim to have representation from every LC on the Learning Community Council.
Position Requirements:
• Must currently be a member or have participated in a UConn Learning Community.
• Attend all LCC meetings during the semester. In general, All Council meetings occur every other week. Specific meeting times for projects are set based on the group members’ availability.
• Volunteer for all Learning Community events like LC Kickoff, Field Day, Research Connections, LC Around the World Cultural Showcase, and the LC Showcase.
• Read all LC email Newsletters fully throughout the year.
If you have any questions contact: livelearn@uconn.edu.